Install Root Barriers To Protect Your Home Foundation

We are The Root Barrier Pros. We help homeowners and other property owners protect their properties from invasive tree roots. Our primary method is to install tree root barriers, also known as tree root barricades. We offer FREE inspections and estimates and can usually complete root barrier installations in one day. Our service areas are Houston and Sugar Land.

The Problem With Tree Roots and Shrub Roots

The primary problem with the roots of trees and shrubs is that they can damage concrete slab foundations. Roots are always growing outward in search of water and nutrients. One of the best places to find moisture and water is under a home’s slab foundation because the underlying soil is protected from evaporation by hot weather. Tree roots and shrub roots just love the moisture around and under the perimeter of a home or other building structure. In addition, large trees with large roots can cause sidewalks, patios, and slab foundations to buckle over time.

Clay Soils And Movement

Once roots have established themselves around and under the perimeter of a house they will withdraw large volumes of moisture from the soil. Unfortunately for homeowners in south and southeast Texas, most homes are built on the area’s clay soils. Clay soils have the ability to absorb water and expand in volume. And when clay soils lose water during hot, dry summers they will contract in volume.

Large Trees have buckled and cracked the slab foundation of this home.
Large Tree Roots Can Buckle A Home’s Slab Foundation

Slab Foundation Settlement

When roots extract large volumes of moisture from clay soils the soils will shrink in volume. The clay soils will actually shrink so much during hot summers that they will “pull away” from the bottom of the concrete slab’s foundation. This happens first around the perimeter. Since about 70% of the weight of the house is supported by the perimeter walls and perimeter foundation beams this causes the slab foundation to crack and “fall” or collapse until it reaches something to support its weight. The support is the shrunken clay soil. The clay soils shrink so much that it leaves a void under the concrete slab’s perimeter beam and other portions of the slab foundation. This process of soil movement (shrinkage in volume) and resulting foundation damage is called “Settlement”.

Solution – Root Barriers That Work

Home concrete slab foundations have a hard life in areas dominated by clay soils. The clay soils are expanding and shrinking every year with changes in seasons and rainfall. The worst time of year is the hot, dry summer. Clay soils will lose large volumes of moisture due to evaporation. Tree roots and shrub roots extract even more water and put the slab foundation under greater stress – every year.

The solution is to “redirect” the tree roots away from the home’s foundation with a root barrier system. The most common material used as a root barrier is a high grade plastic sheet that has an estimated lifespan of more than 100 years. These types of plastic are also used in landfills. Click the following link to view photos of a typical root barrier installation.

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